From The Couch – The Strange Over-The-Top Reaction To K-State Basketball’s First Conference Win

As some of you might expect, I’m going to have a different take on K-State’s basketball win than you’ve seen elsewhere. I’m glad the team got their first conference win of the season yesterday, beating number 19 Texas Tech 62-51. They obviously needed it after a rough couple of weeks dealing with Covid protocols. It also gave some fans the opportunity to “stick it to” the fans that want Bruce Weber replaced as head basketball coach.
Bruce Weber gets a big win like this almost every season, no matter how terrible the team is. It’s something he’s been able to do to “calm the waters” and keep the athletic director off his back. Good for him and good for the team. It’s a lot more fun watching the team win than watching them lose.
I happen to be in the camp that K-State basketball fans deserve to cheer for and root for a basketball program that is consistently among the top of the Big 12 conference and in the national rankings. We shouldn’t expect, nor put up with, less. But that’s just me.
I understand that most people don’t like negativity and this column is going to appear negative to some, but I’m not trying to come across that way. I just call it as I see it. It’s ok for people to be happy about the win. I am happy about it. I’m also realistic about where this basketball program sits in the grand scheme of things. Keep in mind that this team is still 9-7 overall and 1-4 in the Big 12 Conference. I’m well aware of the obstacles they’ve had to overcome this season, but keep in mind that every basketball program in the country has had to overcome the same obstacles.
I was expecting a somewhat measured reaction to the win yesterday, but instead, I saw an over-the-top reaction by the team and fans of the team.
JM: Why is this team celebrating like they just won the national championship? I understand what they’ve been through and that they’re excited about getting a win, but this is just odd. I subscribe to the theory of “act like you’ve been there before.” They beat the number 19 team in the country. It’s a good win, but does it warrant this kind of celebration? The K-State Basketball Twitter account even changed their header photo to the team dousing Bruce Weber with water in celebration.

Am I being too picky about this? Probably. But act like you’ve been there before. Because you have.
JM: I hope they were being sarcastic, but I don’t think they were.
JM: Why, exactly?
JM: That’s for darn sure.
JM: Elite coach? Sigh….
JM: This is how he keeps a certain percentage of the fan base on his side, I suppose.
JM: He’s not only “elite,” but “legendary!”
JM: PLEASE tell me this is sarcasm!
JM: Yeah, he sure got the haters with a meaningless win.
JM: Strange motivation tactics are nothing new with Bruce Weber.
JM: Ok, this one is actually a good point. This team could have folded like a cheap tent after Wednesday night’s debacle. Instead, they looked focused and motivated to win. But why call out the “naysayers?” They have a strong case as well. You can’t ignore the entire picture of what is going on.
JM: KU fans sure want K-State to keep Bruce Weber. Shouldn’t this tell you all you need to know?

JM: Tech played three games in six days, two of them on the road, and had to travel to Manhattan for an 11:00 AM tip. That’s brutal. I still give kudos to K-State for the win, but sometimes it helps to tell the entire story.
I wish K-State basketball fans would all see eye-to-eye on the topic of Bruce Weber, but it’s obviously not going to happen. I want a much better basketball program than we have, and that’s why my opinion is not going to change. These feel-good victories are too few and far between. I suppose if this team reels off 10 wins in a row my opinion will change, but, unfortunately, I do not see that happening.
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