Profiles In K-State Fandom – Tony Ballard

The 14th installment of “Profiles in K-State fandom” features Tony Ballard. Tony was nominated by a previous honoree. Ernie Barrett once shook Tony’s hand and it’s never been the same. Or maybe he’s never been the same. Either way, you’ll enjoy reading the story!
In the photo above is Tony’s daughter Abby (on the left), Tony, Tony’s sister Val, and Tony’s brother Don at the Women’s NCAA tournament games this past March.
JM: Tell me a little bit about your background. Where were you born/where did you grow up and how did you become such a huge K-State fan?
TB: I was born on Fort Riley and grew up in Junction City. I suppose I became a K-State fan by default. My family was not from the area and was brought here by the Army. I grew up attending games and events as I could.
JM: Did you attend K-State? Did you graduate? What years did you attend?
TB: As an 18 year old kid, going to K-State felt too close to home! So, I went the way to Emporia State University instead. 😉 I did later attend K-State to get a master’s degree from 2004-2006.
JM: Tell me a little bit about how you came to the decision to attend K-State.
TB: I was a music teacher in the area. Before there was a lot of online learning, K-State gave me the opportunity to obtain my masters degrees without having to quit my job or move. The music program was solid and I got a good education from my professors. I enjoyed my experience, but I was never on campus in more of a traditional format. So, I was never part of “The Pride” or the basketball pep band. I would have loved both of those experiences!
JM: Are you married? Kids?
TB: I am married and we have a 15 year old daughter. Our daughter thinks that KU is gross and has no interest in hearing anything about them.
JM: Are they K-State fans?
TB: Like me, they have become K-State fans by default. We have attended women’s basketball games for 20 years. Over those years we have attended men’s basketball when able, and the occasional football game each season. We are now in our 3rd year of having football tickets, continue to have season women’s basketball tickets, and I tend to go to most men’s games with a friend. We also usually attend a couple of baseball games and the occasional soccer and volleyball match. We get to some K-State concerts, theatre productions and other university activities as well.
JM: What do you do for a living?
TB: I am the manager of education and meetings for the Society for Ecological Restoration. We are a D.C. based association. Prior to that, I worked two stints at K-State at Global Campus and the College of Veterinary Medicine as a meetings and events planner.
JM: Do you live in or around Manhattan? What’s your favorite restaurant or hangout when you’re in town?
TB: We have lived in Manhattan for the past 12 years and love it. Having grown up in the area, I am very familiar with the town. I love all of the big city amenities but they are available in our small town. When I get the chance, I really like So Long Saloon and Auntie Mae’s.
JM: Do you have a favorite sport? Favorite K-State team?
TB: I have always loved football. I grew up watching some terrible K-State teams prior to Coach Snyder. I have loved watching this program come up from the ashes. I love the environment of college football and the game day atmosphere. I don’t like the direction that college football is headed as a whole, but I love watching our team.
JM: Do you have season tickets? If so, which sports?
TB: Yes. Football and Women’s Basketball.
JM: Do you travel to K-State away games?
TB: Yes. I have traveled some, but that has been newer for me.
JM: If so, do you have a favorite away game place or story to tell?
TB: I did have my “bachelor party” watching K-State play KU in Lawrence many years ago. My brother and I watched the K-State Women’s Basketball team beat Iowa in Iowa this past season. That was a lot of fun!
JM: Any negative experiences?
TB: My brother, a couple of friends and I were at the K-State vs. Missouri football game last season. Their fans were terrible. It was a heartbreaker of a game, but their fans were rude.
JM: What is your favorite K-State sports memory?
TB: It actually was not from a game. Many years ago I taught one of the grandsons of Ernie Barrett. He and his wife came to our concert and afterward he came up to congratulate me and shook my hand with that enormous hand of his. Prior to that time, I never contemplated that I was teaching his grandson. I was awestruck. He was a genuine as they come. It was very cool.
JM: Who is your favorite K-State player(s), past or present?
TB: I really loved watching Tyler Lockett and Jordy Nelson. The Lockett family has meant a lot to K-State. And the Nelson family certainly has meant a lot to Riley County and the Manhattan area.
JM: Who is your favorite K-State coach(es), past or present?
TB: Probably a little controversial, but I really liked Frank Martin. I thought he should tone it down sometimes, but I liked the fire that he brought and the style of play from his teams.
JM: If you had to guess, what percentage of your wardrobe is purple?
TB: Easily 60%. When I was working at K-State, I was wearing purple almost every day. It is a little less now, but not much.
JM: What does the “K-State Family” mean to you?
TB: I love that this attribute has stuck around for so long. I love that players come from all over the world and talk about the family atmosphere being something that made them want to be here. We are a passionate group of people. Always wanting the best and want to see everyone in purple succeed.
JM: Anything else you’d like to add?
TB: I was just in Europe and was wearing a K-State pullover. While on the elevator, the guy next to me says, “I always admired Bill Snyder and all he was able to do at K-State. I am a Florida State fan, but loved watching him and your program over the years.” These types of conversations happen no matter where I travel. Always a cool experience.
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If you would like to nominate someone to be featured in “Profiles in K-State fandom,” please message me and I’ll reach out to them. Thanks!