Time to change the offensive “Wildcat” nickname of Kansas State University
It’s time. Time to remove the “Wildcat” nickname from Kansas State University. With all the unjust and offensive sport team nicknames out there, this one must be added to the list of cancellations. Washington Redskins? Cleveland Indians? Texas Rangers? Dallas Cowboys? Kansas City Chiefs? If these team names are going to be changed as a result of the “woke” social media mob, I believe K-State fans should join the social justice warriors and force the hand of the administration of Kansas State University to change the nickname of our University.
Just take a look at some of the horrible things that wildcats have done in recent history…
According to The Daily Beast on April 17th, 2017, a wildcat left one person dead after an attack…
From FoxNews on June 24th, 2019, a wildcat attacked a mother and a child…
Then watch this video from National Geographic where a wildcat attacks a poor little parrot…
Here’s another video of a murderous wildcat attacking a poor pigeon…
I can’t fathom that Kansas State University can condone being named after such a homicidal, barbarous, bloodthirsty animal such as the wildcat. The administration must take this name change under consideration and vote unanimously to change the nickname and mascot of the University immediately or face the Twitter mob of social justice warriors. We’ll protest. We’ll riot. We’ll burn down a Target. We’ll spray paint graffiti on your precious limestone. We’ll camp out on Bruce Weber’s front lawn if we have to. It’s time for change.
This is obviously satirical, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the social justice warrior mob comes after the “Wildcats” eventually…