Can K-State Still Make The Big 12 Championship Game?

Can K-State Still Make The Big 12 Championship Game?

Good win for the Cats on Saturday against TCU.  It puts K-State at 1-2 and in a tie for third place in the loss column in conference play.  Baylor and OU seem to be running away with the conference so far and have given everyone they’ve played a loss.  Iowa State and Texas are tied for second at 3-1.  Here are the standings as of today:

I thought it would be fun to run a couple scenarios to see if K-State has a chance to make the Big 12 title game.  I didn’t spend a LOT of time on this, but I made some predictions for the next couple of weeks and threw a couple of upsets in the mix to get the desired results.

This assumes Oklahoma runs the table and K-State runs the table after losing to Oklahoma on Saturday.  Here are the results that would need to happen the rest of the way:

Oklahoma:  Beat K-State, Iowa State, Baylor, TCU and Oklahoma State to finish 9-0.
Baylor:  Beat West Virginia, lose at TCU, lose to Oklahoma, lose to Texas, lose at Kansas to finish 5-4.
Iowa State:  Beat Oklahoma State, lose at Oklahoma, lose to Texas, beat Kansas, lose to K-State to finish 5-4.
Texas:  Lose at TCU, lose to K-State, beat Iowa State, beat Baylor, lose to Texas Tech to finish 5-4.
K-State:  Lose to Oklahoma, beat Kansas, beat Texas, beat West Virginia, beat Texas Tech, beat Iowa State to finish 6-3.
TCU:  Beat Texas, lose at Oklahoma State, beat Baylor, beat Texas Tech, lose at Oklahoma, beat West Virginia to finish 5-4.
Oklahoma State:  Lose at Iowa State, beat TCU, beat Kansas, beat West Virginia, lose to Oklahoma to finish 4-5.
Texas Tech:  Beat Kansas, lose at West Virginia, lose to TCU, lose to K-State, lose at Texas to finish 2-7.
West Virginia:  Lose at Baylor, beat Texas Tech, lose at K-State, lose against Oklahoma State, lose to TCU to finish 2-7.
Kansas:  Lose to Texas Tech, lose to K-State, lose at Oklahoma State, lose at Iowa State, beat Baylor to finish 1-8.

There you have it!  That puts K-State in the Big 12 championship game against Oklahoma!  This scenario would require KU beating Baylor at home the last weekend of the season.  Hey, stranger things have happened!  While I don’t think this is likely, it’s still a fun exercise to see how things would have to play out for it to happen.

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